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Staying Fit and Healthy During The Holidays

Category: Uncategorized Posted on: 12/7/21 11:15 AM

The holidays are a time for rest, relaxation, and reset. Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, most folks are winding down, taking time off work, shopping for the holidays, and spending much-needed time with loved ones. Between the hectic holiday schedule, overindulgence in holiday food and drink, and the everyday stresses of life, finding time to work on your mental and physical health during the holidays can be a real challenge.

Let’s take a look at a few ways you can stay fit and healthy this holiday season!

Be Creative!

a woman and man running outside in the winter during the holidaysWhile you might not be able to make time to go to the gym or do your usual workout routine, there are plenty of creative ways to stay active and exercise. For example, if you’re out shopping, try to park further away or take an extra lap around the mall. Consider taking the family for a walk after dinner. Even taking the kids out sledding is a great way to burn off some of those extra calories!

When it comes to exercise, you don’t have to think outside the box all season long. If your usual gym routine is thrown out of whack by the busy holiday season, you can try to find extra time before work, after work, or on weekends to complete your workouts! Remember: some activity is better than none. If you don’t have the time for your usual session, it’s okay to temporarily cut them down for the holidays!

Part of staying healthy during the holidays involves managing your elevated stress levels. Look for creative ways to unwind and destress, and reach out to someone if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Give yourself a break when you need it, get plenty of sleep, and remember to get plenty of exercise! 

Eat-and Drink-Responsibly During The Holidays!

a table laid out with food and drink for the holidays

Did you know the average American doubles their alcohol consumption during the holidays? On top of that, the average American eats more than 7,000 calories on Christmas day alone! While good food and drink is as engrained in holiday culture as Christmas carols, it’s important to at least keep tabs on your food and drink intake throughout the season. 

Interestingly enough, most folks don’t gain weight during the holidays-they pack on the pounds in the months immediately after the New Year’s holidays. This is mostly a result of holiday overeating and drinking combined with slacking on exercise and fitness habits. To ward off the New Year’s weight gain, start by watching what you eat and drink during the holidays!

To keep things under control, don’t try to do too much. For instance, instead of completely cutting out your favorite food or drink, choose more sensible portions, eat or drink more slowly, and try to incorporate some physical activity, like a family game, after a big meal. If you’re planning on imbibing, utilize a designated driver or ridesharing app like Uber or Lyft-it’s never okay to drink and drive!

Stay Clean, Dry, and Safe!

The holiday season is full of opportunities to spend time outdoors-from leisure activities like skiing and sledding to building a snowman with the kids, be sure to dress warmly when it gets chilly! Be especially careful to keep your head, hands, and feet snug and warm, especially in the snow and ice. When you’re back indoors, remember to wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. 

For many folks, the holiday season is a vacation. One thing it’s not okay to take a vacation from, however, is your healthcare. If your routine exams, screenings, vaccinations, or checkups fall during the holidays, remember to schedule reminders and practice good communication habits with your providers. 

Have a Happy Holidays!

The holidays are a time for rest, relaxation and reset, but also happiness, cheer, and reflection. While we reflect on our growth during the previous year, it’s also a good time to set new goals for the coming year. Think about where you want to be and plan accordingly! 

From everyone at OBGYN Associates of Western New York, have a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season!