Kathy delivered by C-Section on Wednesday, March 2, 1994 and Dr. Todoro was there to assist.
Her son, Chris, is doing very well. “Chris attended Orchard Park High School, then SUNY Fredonia for Sports Management/Business Management, then St. Bonanventure for a 1-year Master’s Degree in Business Management,” Kathy reports. He has been employed in Getzville since 2017.
Kathy remembers, “When my son was in preschool at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Orchard Park, I started teaching Sunday school. One day, a nice lady named Mrs. Smith came in with twins and asked about them attending. My co-teacher, Lisa, and I welcomed them into our class. A couple weeks later, I was thinking my Obgyn doctor has twins and his last name is Smith. Coincidentally, the next Sunday, Dr. Brian Smith and his wife stopped in my classroom and I learned I had his twin preschoolers in my Sunday School class. What a small world it is.”